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Feed a Cotton Llama in My Time at Portia

In My Time in Portia, fast travel is made possible by riding a horse or D-D Transport. But traveling by vehicle can limit your freedom to explore, and owning a horse can be expensive. A cheaper option would be to use colorful llama as a mount. This guide will teach you how to catch and raise these fluffy, brightly colored herbivores.

Colorful llamas are wild creatures that are hunted meat And colored fur, You can always see them with their flocks on the meadows outside the city. They are difficult to kill not because they are tough and powerful, but because they are passive and hardly pose a threat to anyone. In addition to being killed for their loot, llamas can be kept in your stables and trained as a mount, but capturing and tame them can be quite challenging.

making trap boxes

Construction trap box The first step is to catch the colored llamas. Random citizens often commission trap boxes. These tools are used to pluck loot from herbivores without harming them, and this is what you'll need to trap a wandering llama. To set up and use a trap box, you need to do the following:

  1. First, you will need a steady in your workshop. Visit A&G Construction, and access their catalog to build a stable. Build a stable will cost you 5,000 goals, twenty iron barsAnd twenty stone bricks,
  2. To make the trap box, prepare two wooden boards And a spring, and collect them on your work table, make two wooden boards using civil cutterThe industrial cuttereither wide cutter, Spring can be acquired by mining in Abandoned Ruins #2 and beat centidog And masked devil In dangerous ruins,
  3. bring three salads And One Cumin To be used as bait with trap box. Set up the trap at a designated spot behind your workplace.
  4. Return to the trap box the next day, and you will see an excited llama trying to get out of the cage.

catching a colorful llama

If you successfully lure the llama into the trap box, the next thing to do is to tame it. By using food as bait, you can tame and eventually gain control over it. The following steps are taken to capture a colored llama:

  1. feed the trapped llama salad leaves either Cumin, The icon above its head will tell you the food they want. You can see the angry red face above his head after the llama is fed, indicating his moodiness. Feed it several times until you see the angry face turning into a happy one. Making the llama happy will make it easier for you to catch it later. After the colorful llama's mood improves, press "Tame" to play the mini-game.
  2. You will enter a mini-game where you have to hit the same buttons or keys that appear on the screen. Mash the right buttons or keys until the meter is full before time runs out.
  3. After tame the llama, you can finally get on its back and ride it to your heart's content!

cotton llama

cotton is llama the elite And the formidable version of the colorful llama. Elite creatures are rare and hard to kill, but it's worth following them because their droppings are valuable too.

Cotton llamas are usually born near once a day. central gate After defeating a bunch of colorful llamas. These white fur animals are much quicker than colored llamas and a bit more complicated to catch.

Build an Advanced Trap Box

Cotton llamas are the elite version of colored llamas, so a basic trap box won't suffice to enclose them. You'll need to use an advanced trap box to catch them, and this is what you need to craft and use one:

  1. make sure you have one steady And a Level 3 Worktable On his property before proceeding to capture the Cotton Llama.
  2. Advanced trap boxes are made by assembling Three steel plates, two springs and two old parts Feather work table, You can make steel plates by using industrial cutter either wide cutter, spring and both old parts can be obtained by digging the bases of abandoned ruins,
  3. bring two regular Apple, three aroma applesAnd a golden ginseng To use as bait, and place the box in a designated spot east of your workshop.
  4. Check if you have caught a cotton llama the next day with the Advanced Trap Box. If you failed to lure them into the box, try putting some bait again and wait for the day to pass.

holding a cotton llama

Cotton llamas can be caught by feeding and tame them like colored llamas. But instead of using lettuce and cumin as fodder, cotton llamas would have Apple, aroma appleAnd golden ginseng, Feed them the food they like before tame them so you don't have a hard time winning the mini-games on time.

Once you have finished capturing the Cotton Llama, you can mount it, ride it anywhere, or take it to your home.

training your llama

Since the forest is the natural habitat of the colorful llama, they are not used for domestication or keeping as Mt. You will have to do your part in training your Llama to have better stats and proficiency.

To train your colorful lama, open the menu in your stable and choose which of his statues you want to improve. You can train llamas to run faster, jump better and recover stamina faster. You can do whatever you want while you train because the stat meters will gradually increase. But you can't train and ride them together, or the session will end.

Cotton llamas do not need to be primed because they are fully trained and have maximum stats, unlike colored llamas.

please your lama

Each type of llama has its own preference for food. Colorful llama's favorite salad leaves And CuminWhile Cotton Llamas Love aroma apple, Show some love to your llamas by petting them three times a day and making sure they have food in their troughs. Build their loyalty and take care of them consistently. By doing this they can perform well and take you to distant places faster.

You can also make money selling llamas. Based on his statistics, a colored llama can sell from 28 To 6,500 goals, And cotton llamas can be sold for higher prices 11,950 goals,

to hunt or to mount

Llamas may be one of those docile, gentle herbivores you see in the fields, but they are surprisingly handy. You can hunt them, use them as transportation and earn passive income by selling them. It shows that every little thing in this game, whether it is alive or not, has some value and should not be easily underestimated.


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